Penick Park
Zoe wanted to get out of the house after the holidays so we took Sloan to the park!
We took Sloan to Kilgore’s A Very Derrick Christmas but left early due to hangry baby.
Was fortunate enough to spend part of my day with friends at the Longview Day of the Dead festival! It was a great turnout despite the threat of rain. It felt like I was only there for a brief moment but it was amazing!
We spent Saturday surviving the brief moment of heat we were exposed to at Longview Animal Care and Adoption Center’s Howls and Growls, but it was… actually really too hot for Sloan so we scoot’d and skedaddled over to Books & Barrels for Story Time with Kelly la Artista (Kelly Danielle Ramón)! Sloan was about as tired as she could be, until story time picked up and she had a real life Winnie the Pooh her own age she could interact (intensely) with.
Late afternoon snack in the garden. I don’t do a lot of macro, but finding this lady makes me want to meander about and take a bunch of macro nature shots!
Zoe wanted to meander around Arts Longview ArtWalk and I brought my camera, didn’t do a lot of shooting but I really only took photos of what I wanted to rather than just butterfly around aimlessly, did meet a few fellow photographers (Got a picture of Steve Korevec (Impressions by Ziggy), a quick photo of T. Daniel from the Longview Fire Department and took a couple of photos of Kelly Danielle Ramón showing her art in Silver Grizzly Espresso. Also bumped into (literally) Watercolor Witchery and got a print!
Zoe, Jade, Sloan, and myself went to the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler today! Jade, Sloan and I had never been to a zoo and Zoe and Jade had Sloan so I could take photos, it was pretty awesome and almost every single animal there looked fat and sassy and absolutely happy. With the exception of one fox that looked like they’d rather be armed with a knife and a bottle of tequila. 😮 I absolutely LOVED the flamingos!
Zoe, Sloan, and myself went to Three Roots Boutique in Gladewater Texas this morning!
We went to Independent Bookstore Day at Books & Barrels today to listen to Austin read some books to kids! Ended up getting a couple of books and it was the first time we’ve had to come in since they’ve started reorganizing! Sloan even gave Zoe some free dental work. Independent Bookstore Day is observed on the last Saturday in April. It is a national one-day celebration that supports and celebrates independent bookstores across the U.S. On this day, bookstores host events, offer discounts, and provide safe spaces for literature and ideas.
Our daughter’s first visit to Lake O’ The Pines, she had a blast and got to eat her first pine needles and fistfuls of dirt. You know, that quality campground lake dirt!
Was thrilled to update Sinclair Law Office‘s portraits today! Hands down my biggest on-location, studio project to date, and a day of almost non-stop photography, but I am thrilled with the results and by all accounts they are too!