Upshur County Youth Softball (Black Widows) VS. Pittsburg
The kid’s first away game was in Pittsburg, Texas and they won 14/0!
The kid’s first away game was in Pittsburg, Texas and they won 14/0!
First bout of 2020, things have been super weird with folks getting sick at work, but we moved to work at home (which is how I’ve worked for the past ten years until working at a brick and mortar at Assurant) and I probably moved 40 computers for people that needed help getting their stuff into their car, ran home, grabbed Zoe and then ran back up to Thunderbird. I was exhausted but the upside is I actually sat down and got to WATCH roller derby for a bit instead of constantly fretting over settings. Of course that’s when all the massive hits happened and epic moments, so of course I felt bad for sitting rather than shooting. I still […]
I was invited back officially as a ACRD photographer! Which really what that means is that I’m actually just welcome to come and shoot any time rather than asking/being asked. ^.^ Which is great! Links: ACRD Website, ACRD Instagram, NTRD Website, NTRD Instagram
I was invited back officially as a ACRD photographer! Which really what that means is that I’m actually just welcome to come and shoot any time rather than asking/being asked. ^.^ Which is great!
My second time shooting with ACRD, and I have to give big huge thanks to Wicked for inviting me and reminding me that I’m more than welcome! There are some amazing photographers here too, I seem to roll in right as things are starting and they’re all set up with c-stands and remote flash units, I feel a bit like a nitwit trying to stay out of their way but also see what they’re shooting and interested in.
Feels super awkward shooting a new league, the handful of times I’ve shot Dallas Derby Devils it was closed practices and this feels official, well… because it’s actual “We’re selling tickets!” games. I met Wicked through Jayne (Hexa Dessie Maul) Ochoa who skated for ACRD and then for DDD, and I met Jayne in Photography class at Richland College, and she helped us out on a light painting night class. This feels really “real” official.
This is the third or fourth scrimmage I’ve been to, and I have to admit I find it difficult not watching the action and taking photographs, but I honestly feel that roller derby photography has made me a better photographer! Helps that this is an amazing sport full of amazing people! Visit their official: Website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Jayne Ochoa invited me to photograph a roller derby practice session with the Dallas Derby Devils, and I have to say it’s amazing, I found my limitations real quick shooting indoors and with my cropped sensor equipment, and lenses. Oh man though, watching them glide across the floor like sharks and then burst through a block line, and absolutely destroy each other is insanely intense, beyond that I watched them go from gameface aggressive to genuine concern and helping out each other in a heartbeat. I’ve never even considered sports photography, and I can’t say I’m particularly good at it, but of all the things I’ve tried to do for college assignments, this is the one that resonates the most […]