still life

College Assignment – Sensuality

Sometimes for assignments I go through the thrift shops here in Dallas to see if anything “fits” or “clicks” with what I need, a perfect synchronicity is getting this assignment for sensuality then finding a perfume bottle in the shape of a woman’s body that has iridescent flowers inside. The piece isn’t really about bodies or have any hard and fast rules, but it seemed to fit rather well, and it’s not a Studio Lighting assignment so I’m just setting up a quick home studio for this using a strobe, umbrella and natural light from the window. Sometimes now using the studio feels like cheating for my Photo II class. So I wanted to do this outside of the studio, […]

Richland College – Studio Lighting

Second time actually able to dink around in the studio by myself, was working on some of the principles that Gary McCoy was teaching us about light modifiers. There are things I’d change that I didn’t even see or visualize until I was at home during post, but for a single-light setup and one of my first attempts I’m not displeased! I still have a lot to learn but I’m enjoying seeing where I was just a couple of weeks ago and where I am now in the studio!